
Ministry of Transportation: This year, the logistics cost is expected to be reduced by 120.9 billion yuan

Date:3, 29, 2019Hits:1

Today, a press conference was held by the new office of China. The Ministry of Transport introduced the situation of improving the efficiency of comprehensive transportation network and reducing the cost of transportation logistics in China.

Wu Chuncheng, spokesman of the Ministry of Transport, said that the Ministry of Transport had studied and formulated the Work Programme for Improving the Efficiency of Integrated Transport Network, and strived to promote the expansion of transport network encryption, integration and integration of high efficiency, upgrading of transport services and deepening the application of intelligent technology through three years of efforts. The comparative advantages and combined efficiency of various modes of transport were further developed and integrated. Transportation network efficiency has been significantly improved.

This year, the Ministry of Transport will make positive progress in improving the efficiency of integrated transport networks by building a number of key projects, optimizing transport organizations, promoting open and sharing of information, and improving working mechanisms.

One is to promote the construction of high-quality comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. We will improve the "ten vertical and ten horizontal" comprehensive transport corridors, promote the construction of national logistics hubs, promote the construction of about 20 comprehensive passenger transport hubs and about 30 freight transport hubs, and improve the collection and distribution system of port and station hubs. We will promote the abolition of provincial toll stations on expressways throughout the country, vigorously promote the installation and use of ETC, and promote speedy and non-stop toll collection on expressways.

The second is to speed up the formation of an efficient integrated transport service system. Railway and waterway transport of bulk cargo will be increased, and demonstration projects of multimodal transport will be implemented in depth. This year, the volume of container intermodal transport will increase by more than 15%. The main ports along the coast and the Yangtze River will exchange and share information on intermodal transport.

Third, we should upgrade the modernization level of the comprehensive management system of the industry. We will promote pilot projects of comprehensive transport reform at provincial and municipal levels, study and revise highway and port laws, and formulate and promulgate industry standards such as Domestic Container Multimodal Transport Bill and Multimodal Electronic Transport Bill.

In terms of reducing transportation logistics costs, in order to further reduce logistics costs, consolidate and expand the achievements of transportation in reducing logistics costs, the Ministry of Transport has formulated the Work Programme for Reducing Transportation Logistics Costs, which will mainly carry out the following tasks:

One is to optimize the transport structure and promote "structural" cost reduction. We will speed up the implementation of six major actions, namely, improving railway transport capacity, improving road freight transport, upgrading water transport systems and speeding up multimodal transport. To improve the construction of national logistics hub network, the Ministry of Transportation and Development Reform Commission will jointly launch the first batch of national logistics hub layout construction in the near future. We will promote the implementation of port collection and distribution projects, increase the coverage of Railways and highways in and out of major port areas, and improve the integration of transshipment linkages and the convenience of rapid cargo reloading.

Second, we should deepen the reform of "release control clothing" and promote "institutional" cost reduction. We will promote the establishment of a unified and open market system with orderly competition, and organize and implement pilot projects for comprehensive reform of logistics cost reduction and efficiency enhancement. We will deepen the reform of comprehensive administrative law enforcement, guide local governments to set up comprehensive administrative law enforcement teams for transportation, and issue regulations on administrative law enforcement procedures for transportation. Promote simplification and decentralization of government in the field of transportation and logistics, and focus on promoting the work of road freight vehicle remote detection, three-in-one inspection and landing, so as to realize the online management of the annual examination of ordinary freight vehicles. Efforts should be made to control arbitrary charges, fines and approvals. Reduce tolls related to expressways, ports, airports and other fields.

Third, we should strengthen technological innovation and application and promote "technological" cost reduction. Develop "Internet +" efficient logistics. We will promote the standardization of freight cars and speed up the popularization and application of modular axle-mounted trains and lightweight vehicles. We will speed up the revision of standards in key areas such as rural logistics, cold chain logistics and multimodal transport. Promote the upgrading and perfection of the national transportation and logistics public information platform.

Fourth, strengthen management and organizational innovation, and promote "managerial" cost reduction. Encourage the development of small and medium-sized freight enterprises alliance, and innovate the organizational model and operational mechanism of enterprise alliance. We will continue to promote the construction of green distribution demonstration projects. Improve the network node system and service function of rural logistics. Implement the "zero waiting time" report of the ship navigation plan to minimize the waiting time for ships entering and leaving the port. We should improve the credit system of transportation logistics, establish and improve the credit files of market participants, the red and black list system of the industry and the withdrawal mechanism of the market.

In 2019, through comprehensive measures, the logistics cost is expected to be reduced by 120.9 billion yuan. At the same time, through three years of efforts, we strive to achieve better transport structure, higher transport efficiency, better logistics business environment, more smooth connection between upstream and downstream logistics chains, and gradually establish a traffic logistics service system matching with high-quality development. The ability of logistics service to the real economy has been significantly enhanced.

In addition, in order to resolutely prevent and curb major and extraordinary accidents in production safety, the Ministry of Transport has also formulated the Work Program of Preventing and Resolving Major Risks in Production Safety and Guaranteeing Transportation Safety. The Plan calls for the transportation system to always take people as the center, effectively manage and control the major risks of transportation safety production, manage major hidden dangers, effectively curb major and extraordinary safety production accidents, and achieve a double decline in the number of safety production accidents and the number of deaths and disappearances. We should continue to maintain the high-pressure situation of industry safety supervision and law enforcement, and establish a monthly safety production work, major risk control, and major hidden dangers investigation and management reporting mechanism. It is necessary to study and formulate an outline for the construction of safe transportation and a safety development plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan, and actively promote the construction of an honest and trustworthy system for safe production.